Computer Science 1L : Networks

Course objectives | News | Lecture slides | Practicals | Tests | Other Resources
This page contains notes for the 2003 Computer Science IL Networks course. This course consists of Seven lectures and two practical sessions. Questions relating to this course will appear in both the 29 September Test, and the Test on the 20th of October Barry Irwin can be contacted via Email (Email Address( or in Rm 27 Hamilton Building

Course objectives

This course aims to provide you with skills in the following areas
  1. Understand the Development of the Internet
  2. How to access the Internet
  3. Understand how Information travel across the Internet
  4. How the Internet is constructed
  5. Gain an understanding of basic Internet Terminology
  6. Be able to construct your own webpage
  7. Understand how a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) describes information
  8. Common Net Etiquette
  9. How to use the following tools

Other Notes


Course evaluation

Please complete the Course Evaluation.

2003-09-26 Update

Site has been updated to include information for the following week's practicals on HTML design., Previous weeks slides are available.

2003-09-18 Slides Available

Slides are available for the three Lectures covered this week. Also a reminder that next Wednesday is a public Holiday. As a result the wednesday practical session will be run on Monday Night.

2003-09-15 Course Started

The Course has started, lecture slide for this week will be made available after the Wednesday lecture

Lecture slides

Slides from lectures will be made available after the lectures have been given. Note that simply downloading these is not a substitute for attending lectures, as the slides only provide a skeleton for the work covered. Slides for completed sections will be made available before the final Module Test. Slides should be used in conjunction with the prescribed textbook.
All PDF files provided below are in handout format.

Lecture slides Handout format
Lecture slides Full Colour Slides

You are also referred tot he printed Course notes, and chapter 2 of the Textbook.


There will be two practicals for this course. Practical work sheets and solutions will be published here as they are completed.


September 29th Class Test

The test will be held as per the details contained in the Computer Science 2003 Handbook. For the networks section, the Test will cover the following topics:

The following sections will be covered in the next test

October 20th Class Test

The test will be held as per the details contained in the Computer Science 2003 Handbook. For the networks section, the Test will focus on the following topics:

Other Resources

These are links to some other Network Resources, many of which have been discussed in lectures.

Internet Timeline

Network Resources

Guides to the Internet

Search Engines

HTML Development guides

What your page should NOT look like

Network Etiquette and communications

Last updated: 2003/09/28