The course syllabus is described
here. This is based on the prescribed textbook
"Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Fifth Edition" by Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel. In Summary, chapters 1 to 6, 9, 14 and 15 will be covered.
The textbook is currently available from UPB in High Street. It is highly recommended that the textbook is purchased, as is is used fairly extensively for practicals, as well as providing a source of reference.
There are also a number of
people selling second Hand copies of the book. You should contact them directly.
The Tests
The major class test is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd September 2003. The purpose of this is both to asses your level of learning through the course in addition to giving you an idea of the feel of the exam questions. The test will be based on the same principle as the exam of a mark a minute. The exact date of the test will be decided a week in advance
In addition there will be short class and practical tests on occasion.
November exam
This will be written as part of the three hour Computer Science 202 paper. The date of the exam will be set by the exams office, and published on the official exam timetable.
Q. How much will SQL count in the exam ?
A. Typically between 33% and 40% of the database section.
Q. What will be examined ?
A. The exam will cover the full syllabus, with a distinct split between SQL and Database Design and Theory, with the latter comprising 60-67% of the paper
Q. How much does the database section count in the exam ?
A. 60 marks out of a total of 180. (This is confirmed in the Computer Science Handbook at page 33).